Helps to support the body in the dissolution of Urinary Crystals.
Supports bladder health and the creation of an environment that will discourage crystal formation.

Easy Peesy I
Administer orally – 4 pumps (0.5ml) twice per day for 30 days
For Maintenance and Support
Administer orally – 4 pumps (0.5ml) twice per day for 14 days. Repeat 3 times per year if your animal has a history of urinary tract issues.
If your cat is showing signs of blockage seek EMERGENCY Veterinary care.
Easy Peesy II
Administer orally once per day according to the below dosage chart until the jar is empty. Can be given with meals.
For Maintenance and Support
Administer orally once per day for 14 days according to the below dosage chart. Repeat 3 times per year if your animal has a history of urinary tract issues.
1/8 TSP
1 – 14 LBS
1/8 TSP
15 – 39 LBS
1/4 TSP
40 – 79 LBS
1/2 TSP
80+ LBS
3/4 TSP
If your cat is showing signs of blockage seek EMERGENCY Veterinary care.
Safe use in pregnant animals or animals intended for breeding has not been proven. If animal’s condition worsens or does not improve, discontinue use and consult your veterinarian.
For use in dogs and cats only. Store at room temperature (15-30° celsius)